I will help you lose weight and get toned with my 12 Week Fit Parent Protocol.

No restrictive diets, short workouts, simple habits.

What SMT is All About

I created this company because I am passionate about helping people achieve the health they have always dreamed of having. Does any of this sound like you:

Is your goal just to feel better on a day-to-day basis and to be strong enough to perform tasks around the house?

Are you tired of the extra body weight you have put on, or of the random aches and pains that you have and that continue to get worse?

Do you just want to be able to keep up with your kids and have the energy to do so?

Are you wondering what to do in order to burn fat and get toned?

I have done the work to find the answers, and you don't have to go down this road anymore because I am here to help you.

As a Dad, I get how busy the lifestyle of a parent is. There is minimal “you” time. I value time spent with family and don’t believe all our time should be spent meal prepping or exercising, which led to this adventure. As your health coach, I will help you not only lose fat and get toned, but I also will help you learn the habits you need so you can sustain these results for the rest of your life. This will allow you to be there for your family and be the role model you have always wanted to be for your children.

You’re busy. There’s tons of information on the web and it’s hard to know who you can trust. With Stone Mountain Training we take care of all of this for you. This is the one-stop shop.

There are no fad diets or “quick fix” programs here.

If you are willing to put in the work, I can promise you that I will be there with you every single step of the way so you finally achieve sustainable healthy habits and never need to use the word “diet” again.

-Review of the 12 Week Fit Parent Protocol and working with Jeff through Team Stone Mountain.

“I move a lot more than I did before I started the program. My body is not as stiff and I don’t experience the pain that I had. I am more flexible and my mental outlook is more positive. I have more energy and I no longer need to take that afternoon nap. My clothes fit better and my body is changing. I have lost over 10 pounds in 12 weeks, I am stronger, and I am beginning to believe in myself.

Anyone that wants to get healthy should work with Jeff. His program is not only about losing weight, but establishing a healthier lifestyle. It’s never too late to start. I love that my program is not a diet. I have choices I can make in what I eat. Jeff set up a program that does not deny me of celebrations and things I enjoy. There is a good balance of work, discipline, and grace in the program and it works!”

Judy W.

Online Client - Fit Parent Protocol